the pro vs amateur mentality

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How do you feel about your pets changing in & out of distracting ENVIRONMENTs constantly during a stressful transition???

Our Excellent 5 Star Reputation Can Easily Sell This Service

We Will Help You Better Understand Why We Don’t???

PET GROUND TRANSPORT is very NEW to most people. Without proper awareness you may be unknowingly putting your pet's safety at great risk.

Trusting someone going with your pet across the nation is very serious business. This is now more true than ever before during the covid-19 pandemic. Your pets can't speak for themselves. It's your job as an owner to protect them!

Please know our service NEVER stays at hotels overnight with Your pets during service. This may be viewed as a precursor explanation to unnecessarily prolong your pets USA ground transport. Unfortunately, you WON'T have the luxury of knowing what your pets or driver are doing During all this extra time???

We prefer to focus on High Quality Pet Care. This involves hard work, strategic planning & dealing with the REALITIES Of constant setbacks to those plans. everyday is not the same. ideal driving conditions are constantly changing. As professionals we prefer to drive in those ideal CONDITIONS whenever they happen ( night or day ). attempting to stick to some unrealistic rigid schedule with overnight hotel stays just doesn’t work in the real world of cross-country pet transport.

Our professional drivers cross-country trips only take between 2-3 Days to successfully complete & go between 1200-1600 miles per day. This is real day to day PROFICIENT professional driving .

Unfortunately, pets just don't like being on the road unnecessarily too long. Your pets may potentially get sick, stressed out to the point they may attempt to escape. Know that the longer the trip takes there is now more risk for any number of bad things to go wrong very quickly. The shorter amount of time away from you the better.

We specialize in simple Private Non-Stop Ground Transport concentrating on your pets only without any distractions. After many years of doing this our experience and expertise have shown us that Speed Of Service is the Most Important part of a successful transport.

carefully Think about a company’s real priorities & motivations?

Simple Routine I-95 New York To Florida Trips Taking Longer Than Cross-Country USA Trips To California?

Why Make A Pet Experience An Unnecessary Equivalent Cross-Country USA Ground Transport?

do You want a company where the stakes are high & real?


do you want someone that can easily walk away without repercussions if something goes wrong?

Question Companies Offering Professional Specialized Private Transport With Delivery Times Similar To Shared Group Shuttle Transports. A Company May Intend Moving Your Pets To Another Shuttle Company With The Time That You Allowed Them.

Who is working hard to make their passengers and clients happy?

Who Wants a job to pamper THEMSELVES?

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Observe Very Carefully A Company’s Safety Style For Your Pets, Don’t Risk Others To Observe For You

These Dogs Were Stolen From A Hotel Parking Lot In Fremont, California. This Is A Wealthy City In Silicon Valley. ( Cost Of Living Is 81% Higher Than The National Average ) The Driver Was Sleeping Inside The Hotel While The Dogs Were Left Alone For Hours. It Is Very Difficult & Unrealistic To Go In & Out Of Hotels Across The Country With Someone Else’s Dog Or Cat. Do You Trust A Driver To Stay Sleeping Comfortably With Your Pet If They Are Hyper, Noisy, Stink? The Probability Of Hotels Removing Problematic Pets Are VERY HIGH. Laziness After Driving Can Take Over Logic And Many Drivers May Choose To Sleep In The Hotel Anyway Leaving Pets Alone In The Vehicle Overnight.

A Real Example Of The Many Experienced Unscrupulous Transporters Operating Together Doing Many Questionable Transport Methods You Might Not Like

NEGATIVE REVIEW From Anonymous Company Specializing In Shared Pet Transport Hotel Stay Practices

The REVIEW Was Accurately Acknowledged By The Company’s Response Directly From The Owner

people can do anything with your pets in this time

SPECIALIZED private transport services taking over twice as long to complete Usa Trips does not REPRESENT the direction This INDUSTRY needs to be going